Hello, this is FanPlus team.

We would like to give you a notice about September vote’s AD proposal submission. It took some time to get a confirmation from all parties related to the matter, we apologize for the delay of the notice therefore.


First of all, we are truly sorry for causing confusion about an idol artist’s AD proposal and deliberation issue.


Here you can check a timeline of how AD proposal submission notice has been created below:

30th July (Thu) : An international fan enquired FanPlus if the specific artist can be included in an AD proposal.
※ FACT : When receiving inquiries about ADs, FanPlus makes sure before processing if the ADs can be proceeded with an advertising agency, gets a confirmation, and starts processing AD submission.


3rd August (Mon) : FanPlus requested the advertising agency to enquire Seoul Metro Public Corporation whether an AD incl. the specific artist can be transmitted.


3rd August (Mon) : FanPlus received a notice from the advertising agency, saying that an AD incl. the specific artist is not possible. Therefore FanPlus wrote a notice and uploaded it on Twitter.
※ FACT : The advertising agency replied FanPlus that they enquired Seoul Metro if the AD can be transmitted, received an answer and shared with FanPlus after that. However, that was not true. The advertising agency made its own decision according to its <Advertising Regulations> and <AD Deliberation Criteria> on a contract with Seoul Metro, and let FanPlus know that an AD incl. the specific artist is not possible.


4th August (Tue) : Seoul Metro requested FanPlus to delete the notice on Twitter due to the content in the notice. FanPlus deleted the notice on Twitter according to Seoul Metro’s request and uploaded a new notice about a procedure of AD proposal reviewing.


5th August (Wed), FanPlus contacted both Seoul Metro and the advertising agency to make everything clear. Here is fact: The advertising agency did not enquire Seoul Metro about the AD with the specific artist. The agency made its own decision according to its <Advertising Regulations> and <AD Deliberation Criteria> on a contract with Seoul Metro. After that, the agency told FanPlus that an AD incl. the specific artist is not possible.


Here is a link of <Advertising Regulations> published by Seoul Metro and you can check to see it. However, we are sorry that <AD Deliberation Criteria> cannot be shared since the document is confidential between the advertising agency and Seoul Metro.

(Seoul Metro’s advertising regulations: http://www.kric.go.kr/jsp/handbook/rgi/regulationDetail.jsp?p_id1=M010202&p_id2=4294&q_code=A010010011&q_name=2&pageNo=4 )


As above, FanPlus uploaded a notice with contents from the advertising agency. Also, FanPlus follows Seoul Metro’s advertising regulations for ADs and all AD proposals and transmissions from FanPlus are under Seoul Metro’s deliberation strictly.


Thank you for using FanPlus.

FanPlus Team


* FanPlus clarifies that all contents in this notice have been legally reviewed by attorney Dong-Hyun Kim (Law firm YeonWoo, Korea)
* Please note that FanPlus will take a legal action against anyone who shares and spreads misinformation to third parties. We appreciate your cooperation in advance.