📌”The Best Idol of the Year”?
- Total ranking of all votes from January vote opening date to December vote closing date in the year
- The criteria for selecting candidates for 2023 will be announced in the future.
📌Criteria of “The Best Idol of the Year” Nomination
- The past year’s “FanPlus Final Awards” votes are not counted for the next following year’s “Best idol of the year” list.
– The result of “FanPlus Final Awards” will be presented in a new page(To be added soon) - All vote events which started after the start date of January Birthday & Debut vote event will be counted for the next year’s “Best idol of the year” list.
- We count total number of votes of an artist(as an individual, not a group)
📌Benefit of “The Best Idol of the Year”
- Stars from 1st to 10th place on “The Best Idol of the Year” list will be nominated as candidates on FanPlus Final Awards.
- The criteria for selecting candidates for 2023 will be announced in the future.
> See more about FanPlus Final Awards <